Application Development
speaking of database, I've had my share of user interfaces. As far as I can remember, Microsoft as the first big player to democratize database user interfaces with its famous Access software, not to mention Excel which is still today probably the most popular single table manager tool. For Web based database management, phpmytadmin is […]
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Quick Talk
That's it i've made the big move, like many others. After twenty years of wordpress development, I have to learn it all again. SEO, forms, page building, everything comes free and open source with statamic, unlike wordpress which requires a few hundred bucks to build serious web content management. Of course, on the long run, […]
It took me quite a while to understand that in order to add action to statamic field, you have to read extending the control panel first. Yes read docs. Did you manage to add your first field action ? for myself I will document here the hards steps that took me to a great feature […]
database / nocode Tailwind tools reponsiveness Tailwind components Javascript sliders here we sort best mobile touch enabled sliders + carousels, with last github update. All these sliders share common characteristics Glide : just out ! SWIPER : 2024 SLICKSLIDER : 2017 Splide JS : 2022
Well, have you moved away from twitter ? me, not yet, I have opened a bluesky account, but still find extremely relevant info on twitter, especially reports of amazing apps built with AI. So, having a coming simple web design project to implement, I was trying a few things. Statamic, as a WordPress replacement, is […]
using the now more than famous ACF module, you can a the ACF Leaflet field type that allows to geo code an adress within any post type and easily integrate post map within content. But even better, you can query posts and make an aggregated map, easily !! Yes, Open Street Map ACF field can […]
amazing the number of new ui kits coming on the freelance ecosystem. inspira ui is one of them and features nice effects for nuxt developers. Inspired by next libraries that use motion animation, they bring fun to nuxt, gradients, visual effects like many occurences of text reveal effects.
It's easy to integrate google analytics (GA) or Google Tag Manager in Nuxt applications, as there a plugins for that, and many tuts, like this one that describes how to include a script from nuxt config file. What's not covered though, is the possibility to use GTM , for instance, in a single layout using […]
Recent drama about relationship between and WpEngine, creator of the popular ACF module, have frightened me. My trust in WordPress has for twenty years been based on a reasonable mix of opensource background and business involvement, but above all the reliability of upgrades : my original blog ecolopop has been running on wordpress for […]
image giving out 3D components for web portfolio design ? Next JS is definitely creative design oriented, as illustrated by tremendous developments from ThreeJs Fiber. Today I focus on another opensource library, ui layout, which among other nice goodies, has a rotating globe and a nice touch enabled carousel library. Clone UI Layout from github […]