
Threejs : add to scene and remove from scene, with names

Ouch :) This article was published 2 years ago - might be out of date, check out stuff or leave comment

here is a quick helper for dealing with small three js animations in a rather simple technique : add objects by naming them, and bulk removing them by name. This is an extension for the threejs Scene object, I call it WaveScene

import * as Three from 'three';
export default class WaveScene extends Three.Scene
        for (let i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if( this.children[i].name==MeshTitle) //WebGL.scene.children[i].type === "Mesh" &&
                // WebGL.scene.children[i].geometry.dispose();
                // WebGL.scene.children[i].material.dispose();
    addToScene(obj, name="")
    // obj.position.y += this.waveAppStore.waveInitialY
    // obj.position.y += this.positionFromBottom(obj)/2
    // obj.receiveShadow = true
    if (name!="") obj.name=name
    // console.log()

usage is simple, instead of using three.scene, use waveScene :

import waveScene from './waveScene.js'
export default class Three {
  constructor(canvas) {
    this.canvas = canvas;

    this.scene = new waveScene();

and then add meshes using the addToScene method, optionnally naming your object, like the EGG

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