Database management with laravel

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Dealing with large datasets is easy for a professionnal programmer, lots of solutions exist for database systems like Mysql and its famous phpmyadmin self hosted suite. But working with non technical colleagues involves creating smart interfaces, and you can start with pre defined CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) systems, also called BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Delete), or simply database administration program.

starting up with schema design

Every database starts with a bit of thinking : working on Phpmyadmin to set up database schema is your first option, you could also use laravel migrations and a middle between solution would be to use graphical design tool like this vue powered schema designer which also showcases predefined database schemas from popular opensource products.

Laravel Nova in production

Having had my shot at laravel nova, I have to say it's a really good option to start with, and it's created and supported by Taylor Otwell's, creator of Laravel. But I have also tried Backpack manager, which I have to say was here first, having been on the market for almost 10 years, and has the great incentive of having a free version, just like its competitor Filament. Both relies on premium plugins to accomplish marvels like sub record handling, lots of field component choice, and above all and most importantly, media management.

Laravel Nova is and oldie too, it's been around for 6 years, and its first release brought VueJs to the spotlights. Once you've paid a modest license fee (can be a one time only if you don't need updates), you have access to a ELOQUENT integrated administration panel that works perfectly with data models and relationships, via select drop down fields , allowing multiple n to n relation ships via advanced input fields. Repeaters are also available as plugins (and soon as native nova, currently in beta), and you can put any data combination you want in those. And of course, you have many file managers available, I would recommend infinity's file manager plugin for nova for its capacity to deal with folders.

nice packages I use

trying filament PHP

  • Laravel Nova 3 has nice features that come at the price of installing plugins
    • makes nice hover text content in you index page. Filament PHP does not has tooltip natively for lists.
  • Filament has a nice inline edit feature for text and select fields

well I have not yet take the opportunity to try filament PHP, but it does look promising. It's moving fast, its form builder includes useful native components : repeaters, tag input, basic block builder, wizards...

Surprise : today's lunarphp twitter account announces variation screen ... based on filamentPHP... check it out !! laravel ecommerce with unbeatable interface..

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