Quick Talk
image giving out 3D components for web portfolio design ? Next JS is definitely creative design oriented, as illustrated by tremendous developments from ThreeJs Fiber. Today I focus on another opensource library, ui layout, which among other nice goodies, has a rotating globe and a nice touch enabled carousel library. Clone UI Layout from github […]
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After testing a few scripts for displaying galleries, I chose Swiper. FrankenUi Carousel Slider and Slideshow elements are nice but they did not integrate well with Nuxt, my favourite framework, not in ten minutes anyway, styling was not great, same issue for TinySlider, all of them being touch enabled, which is important for me. And […]
Asset management (mainly, in my case , images and PDF), is a big thing. In a review of KirbyCMS, I pointed out the importance of this feature . In my opinion, these days, after trying a few dozen content management systems with integrated asset management, I have to say that it could be much more […]
It took me 5 prompts to get a marquee text slider working continuously. Interesting, but what about power consumption ? here are the 5 prompts that finally generated what I need, a nice smooth continuous cycling text scroller.
Hey, i'm trying to get rid of wordpress, not so easy !! Filament PHP is a good candidate for building serious Content Management System, and I have started working on Repeater Fields, including editorJs field, image Field, and selector for choosing templates... Combined with Laravel Blade templating, this is a good prototype for a future […]
a very nice prototyping feature given by FilamentPHP is the possibility to create select multiple values in the form with options from a class scoped array , without creating BelongToMany relationships that involve an extra table. The kind of issue for which sushi package was created, but we don't need that here, or I might […]
While searching for new ways of dealing with custom tailwind css templates within modern CMS, I searched wysiwyg editor news. Components has block management, and can convert a block type : imagine you start typing a text and want it to be a header, editor js allows that. Gutenberg does not . looks […]
started working with tailwind css, at first it really seemed impossible to code responsive menu with hierarchy in nuxtjs. NextJs has lots of nice template but nuxt seems behind , cruip sells templates for vue but not for nuxt 3, not yet though , and I finally found a nuxt2 template , which has been […]
there is a long discussion on nuxt forum on how to properly integrate AOS animation library. The objective here for me is to experiment this light animation library without using npm with the aos nuxt module , instead i want to use CDN. This is quite straightforward with Nuxt and good alternative if you don't […]
After finding a solid basic tailwind starter on stackblitz (github repository), I go on further creative stuff. template requirements this template is a vue / vite / Tailwind responsive website with top navigation hierarchical menu : a good start for developing most web sites. First thing is to fork the starter to start working on […]